What I Ate Last Week

live love to eat. LOVE. IT.

I was going through some old things the other night – some journals, scrapbooks, etc. – and was amazed to see how many of the memories I felt worthy of jotting down for all eternity where food related. Holiday meals described in great detail. Restaurant and cafe menus and napkins tucked in photo albums. And of course, lots and lots of pictures of me and my friends, you guessed it, eating.

Food is just SO great, you know? I love eating food. I love cooking food. I love gathering friends together for a meal that is 50% about the food and 50% about the community. The best way to feed a person’s soul is to first start by feeding their belly.


Last week I made some really great recipes that I thought would be fun to share. So, without further ado, I give you: What I Ate Last Week, Wednesday! Continue reading What I Ate Last Week

Why I Became A Vegetarian (And Will Never Look Back!)

I’ve posted quite a few recipes on my blog, some vegetarian, some vegan. I thought I’d take a moment to share my thoughts on food, my relationship to it, and my ideology behind what I serve my family. Continue reading Why I Became A Vegetarian (And Will Never Look Back!)

Blogger Bites: A Great Recipe For Kids, Another Veggie Burger & More!

Welcome to another installment of Blogger Bites! In my last BB post, I mentioned that I’ve been trying to make some things from scratch that I would normally buy prepackaged for convenience sake. I’ve also been trying to mix things up in the veggie burger department. And, I’m continuing to try and involve Theo in the kitchen. Continue reading Blogger Bites: A Great Recipe For Kids, Another Veggie Burger & More!

Not Yo Granny’s Bread Pudding

Fall is in the air! These cooler temps make me hungry for warm, fruity breakfast dishes to start my day off right. Today, I made one of my favorites — Berry Bread Pudding. It is quick, healthy, vegan/vegetarian, and has the added perk of being kid friendly! I hope you enjoy as much as we have :-). Continue reading Not Yo Granny’s Bread Pudding